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EDGE and LIFE TEEN Youth Ministry


EDGE&LIFE TEEN青少年2024 - 2025正式接受報名:

能與主同行及偕友結伴一起渡過一個充滿活力和喜樂的教友生活是多麼幸福!請來加入EDGE & LIFE TEEN青少組體驗這份生活 - 藉着以基督為中心的每週聚會- 透過教理學習,團體生活,頌主歌曲,青年彌撒,退醒, 報佳音, 青年拜苦路, Lift Jesus Higher Rally及 Steubenville Youth Conference 青少年聚會,生命之夜等, 去尋求屬靈的增長及與主更密切的關係。

報名者:  第六至十二班的初中生和高中學生 ,包括堅振班.

聚會時間:  每星期天早上十時半至十二時半在鮑思高禮堂。

網上報名:  或 使用二維碼

活動開始日期: 9月22日. 10:00 am 在鮑思高禮堂

欲了解更多信息,請發送電郵至 或

EDGE Reg Form 2024-2025.png


EDGE and LIFE TEEN Youth Programs 2024-2025 Registration

What a blessing to walk with God, journey with your peers and live a joyous dynamic Catholic life! Come and experience this through EDGE and LIFE TEEN Youth Ministries. These are Christ-centred weekly gatherings for youth who are seeking spiritual maturity and a deeper relationship with God - through participation in weekly catechism, fellowship, praise and worship, youth mass, retreats, carolling, Youth Stations of the Cross, Lift Jesus Higher Rally, Steubenville Youth Conferences, Life Nights, etc.  Registration form is available in the reception area.

Participants: Gr. 6-12 youth in middle school and high school, including Confirmation preparation for Gr. 7 youth. 
Gathering Time: Every Sunday 10:30am -12:30pm @ CMCC Don Bosco Hall.

Online Registration:  or use the QR code.

Program Kickoff: Sep 22,2024 10:00 am in Don Bosch Hall.

For more information, please send email to or


Mission Statement / Goals
使命宣言 / 宗旨:

To nurture the spiritual and character development of our parish youth rooted in the Catholic faith.Services offered at Church.

Services offered at Church

  1. EDGE - leading Grade 6-8 youth (middle school) to receive fully & be renewed by the Holy Spirit, including the Confirmation Program.
  2. LIFE TEEN - leading Grade 9-12 youth (high school) to challenge them to become disciples of Jesus.
  3. Coordinate youth activities for our parish youth.
  4. Form our youth leaders as catalysts & positive role models of discipleship.

Meeting / Training Time

  • Every Sunday 10:30AM-12:30PM
  • Every 1st Sunday
    1. Eucharistic Adoration and Sacrament of Reconciliation
    2. Youth Mass


Contact 聯絡:

John Hu - Email:
Agnes Au - Email: