
Archbishop Leo's Message for Canada Day
Message for Canada Day 2024 His Grace Most Reverend Francis Leo Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto ...
+Leo COA Square
美蘭朝聖 Midland Martyrs' Shrine Pilgrimage
2024年7月13日 (星期六)大多倫多市天主教華人堂區美蘭大朝聖 GTA Chinese Catholic Parishes Joint Pilgrimage to Midland Martyrs’ Shrine – Saturday, July 13...
堂區通訊 Newsletter
歡迎閱讀我們的每週堂區通訊,內容豐富,除了堂區訊息更新,並提供很多增強信仰文稿和生活資料。 Every week you get readings to grow in faith and parish information updates. 點擊這裏打開本週堂區通訊...
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每週聖人 Saints of the week
讓我們學習聖人的祈禱來切合祈禱年,並效法聖人的芳表,從他/她們的生平事跡來默想反省,也祈求聖人的故事能啟發青少年及幫助他們培養基督徒的價值觀。 Let us learn the prayers of the saints in the spirit of the...
福音分享 Gospel Sharing
歡迎到此欣賞聆聽聖言和信仰分享。    懇求天父,以聖神的恩澤,充溢我們的心靈,效法天主之母,童貞聖母瑪利亞,常將天主子耶穌基督的奧蹟,默存於心,反覆思念 。。。              ...
Archbishop Leo Travels East to Visit Oshawa Parishes
Archbishop Leo Travels to Oshawa Parishes
On Sunday, May 26, 2024, the Most Reverend Francis Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, travelled to St. Gregory...
And that's a Wrap! Youth Ministers Review and Reflect on Pastoral Ministry Season
On Thursday, June 20, youth ministers from across the Archdiocese of Toronto came together to take a look...
Youth Ministers
Archbishop Leo Visits Sacre-Coeur Parish
Archbishop Leo Visits Sacre-Coeur Parish
On Sunday, June 9, 2024, the Most Reverend Francis Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto visited Sacré-Coeur...

2755 Denison Street
Markham, ON
L3S 2J3

2755 Denison Street
Markham, ON
L3S 2J3

t:  905.294.1377
e chinesemartyrs@archtoronto.org

Rev. Zhijun (Stephen) Lu CSJB

Rev. Andrew Jianwei Deng CSJB
Associate Pastor

Rev. John Lizu Gan CSJB
Associate Pastor

Rev. Junwei (Michael) Hu CSJB
Associate Pastor

Deacon Max Anthony Choy
Deacon Assistant

Parish Staff
Sr Alberta Zhan, OP
(Pastoral Assistant)

Magdalen Cheung
(Lay Pastoral Assistant)

Mary Chow (Funeral Services)

Cyrilla Yip
(Registration & Baptism)

Janny Cheung
(Matrimony &Baby Baptism)

Cindy Kwok (General Enquires)

Edwin Lee (Parish Tool)

Sarah Lam (Parish Website)

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CCOVI-19: Appeal From Caritas India
India is reeling from a devastating COVID-19 outbreak. In recent days, the country has been reporting more than 400,000 of new cases and 4,000 deaths every 24 hours. The Archdiocese of Toronto will send donations through Development and Peace to Caritas Internationalis in India helping those who are suffering during this COVID-19 outbreak. 印度正爆發災難性之新冠肺炎疫症。近日來,每天均紀錄得四十萬新確診病例及四千人死亡。多倫多總教區將會透過「發展與和平基金」捐獻予正在印度幫助疫情災民之天主教國際人道聯盟的「國際明愛」. Donation 網上捐款 : https://community.archtoronto.org/page.aspx?pid=378
More Info
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