
Midland Martyrs' Shrine Pilgrimage 美蘭朝聖

已发布 : Jun-15-2024

2024年7月13日 (星期六)大多倫多市天主教華人堂區美蘭大朝聖
GTA Chinese Catholic Parishes Joint Pilgrimage to Midland Martyrs’ Shrine – Saturday, July 13, 2024 

2024 美蘭大朝聖彌撒聖祭及禮儀小冊子:
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主題 : 主愛連繫,重聚美蘭
Theme: God's Love Unites, Midland Reunion

主祭 Main Celebrant : Bishop Robert Kasun

節目程序 Program:

  • 10:15 am –10:45 am
    • 恭唸玫瑰經 - 佘山聖母像
      Rosary at Marian Statue of Sheshan
  • 10:45 am –11:00 am
    • 集合於彌撒聖祭地點並宣佈當日節目程序
      Gather at Polish Altar for the announcement of the program 
  • 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
    • 彌撒聖祭,致送紀念品,彌撒禮成,聖髑降福,主教及神父拍照
      Mass, Presentation of Souvenirs, Conclusion of Mass, Reliquary blessing, Photos for Bishop and Priests, Mass ends, Procession.
  • 12:30 pm – 12:45 pm
    • 各華人堂區團體與主教及神父們拍照
      Group pictures with Bishop and Priests for each Parish
  • 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm
    • 午膳及自由時間 (自由拜苦路及黙想)
      Lunch and Free Time / Station of the Cross and Meditation (please bring your own lunch)
  • 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
    • 主愛連繫,重聚美蘭 各華人堂區表演節目
      God's Love Unites, Midland Reunion - Performances from each Parish
  • 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm
    • 個人朝聖祈禱
      Personal prayers
  • 3:45 pm
    • 朝聖節目結束,主佑回程平安!
      Pilgrimage Concludes; God Bless all Pilgrims on your return journey!


天主教華人堂區大朝聖 聯合主辦單位 :
Chinese Pastoral Council of Archdiocese of Toronto:

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church
St. Agnes Kouying Tsao Catholic Church
Saviour of the World Chinese Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Chinese Catholic Mission
Saint John the Baptist Northern Chinese Catholic Mission