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兒童夏令營招募義工 Children’s Summer Camp Recruit Volunteers
兒童夏令營現在開始招募義工,截止日期為 2025年3月9日(星期日)。 The CMCC Children's Summer Camp is back!  We are looking for volunteers...
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四旬期兒童避靜 2024
四旬期兒童避靜現已開始接受報名。 報名截止日期 : 3月2日   歡迎4至12歲兒童参加。 避靜日期 : 3月15日 上午9時至下午4時 地點:聖鮑思高禮堂 報名:堂區辦事處或諮詢處登記。報名費用 $5.   2025 Lent...
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2025 Jubilee Pilgrimage (Youth Group)
2025 青少年意大利 14 天深度朝聖團    教宗方濟各以《望德不叫人蒙羞》詔書宣布年了明年為特別慈悲禧年,並以“希望的朝聖者”為明年慶祝的主題。 聖堂特別於明年7月7日~7月20日舉辦一次2025禧年意大利14天(青年團)朝聖之旅...
Bible and Coffee at Lake
Diving Deeper into Our Faith – Adult Formation Program
Are you interested in learning more about our Catholic faith? Do you have questions or want to grow...
Shelf of books
Bible Study on the Book of Prophet Jeremiah
The Mustard Seed Ministry, the Parish Adult Faith Formation Program of St. Francis Xavier Church Mississauga, invites you...
Bible Studies
Do you seek to deepen your faith and explore the teachings of the Bible in a safe, relaxing...

Visit Us
2755 Denison Street
Markham, ON
L3S 2J3

Office/Mailing Address
2755 Denison Street
Markham, ON
L3S 2J3

t:  905.294.1377

Rev. Zhijun (Stephen) Lu CSJB

Rev. Andrew Jianwei Deng CSJB
Associate Pastor

Rev. John Lizu Gan CSJB
Associate Pastor

Rev. Junwei (Michael) Hu CSJB
Associate Pastor

Deacon Max Anthony Choy
Deacon Assistant

Parish Staff
Sr Alberta Zhan, OP
(Pastoral Assistant)

Magdalen Cheung
(Lay Pastoral Assistant)

Mary Chow (Funeral Services)

Cyrilla Yip
(Registration & Baptism)

Janny Cheung
(Matrimony &Baby Baptism)

Cindy Kwok (General Enquires)

Edwin Lee (Parish Tool)

Sarah Lam (Parish Website)

Total Sacrifice! True Love! Constant Joy!
天主教耀漢小兄弟會: 創辨人雷鳴遠神父 – 在一九二八 年 十二月十六日首批兄弟舉行穿會衣禮。在典禮中,雷神父正式宣布修會定名為耀漢小兄弟會,奉洗者聖若翰為主保,以效法耶穌基督前驅的剛毅奮勇的拓荒精神。 The Little Brothers of the Congregation of Saint John the Baptist (CSJB) On Dec.16, 1928, the first batch of brothers held a ceremony to wear the congregation's religious habits. During the ceremony, the founder, Father Vincent Lebbe, officially announced the congregation would be named The Little Brothers of the Congregation of Saint John the Baptist and honor St. John the Baptist as the guardian to imitate the resolute and courageous pioneering spirit of the former forefront of Jesus Christ.
Visit CSJB Website 瀏覽耀漢小兄弟會網頁
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
In The Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing commentary, reflection, and prayer along the way. Unlike any other Bible podcast, Ascension’s Bible in a Year podcast follows a reading plan inspired by The Great Adventure Bible Timeline, a ground-breaking approach to understanding salvation history developed by renowned Catholic Bible scholar Jeff Cavins. For each period in the timeline, Jeff will join Fr. Mike for a special episode that will help you understand the context of each reading. With this podcast, you won’t just read the Bible in a year … you’ll finally understand how all the pieces of the Bible fit together to tell an amazing story that continues in your life today! Listen and… Read the ENTIRE Bible
Learn More

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