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CMCC Mater Ecclésiæ Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests


Mission Statement / Goals 
使命宣言 / 宗旨:


Services offered at Church 

Our Lady urges the formation of cenacles. She asks faithful to gather with Her in fervent prayer and fraternal love, as when the first apostles gathered with Our Lady in the Upper Room in Jerusalem awaiting on the Holy Spirit. She will nourish, form, and help us to grow in perfect consecration to Her Immaculate Heart. The whole world should not perish but have eternal life.

晚餐廳祈禱是聖母特許的安全避難所。參與者由聖母親自培育,藉仿效耶穌的們徒與她一 起,在耶路撒冷的晚餐廳祈禱。集禱由於聖神臨在和聖母相伴,使我們的靈魂不斷聖化及 更新。宣讀「慈母心心聲」一如聆聽聖母直接訓導,把我們化育成為她的子女,效法她的德 行,履行自我奉獻聖母無玷聖心的生活,以實現聖母輔助救世的計劃。


Members 入會資格:

PRAYER and FRATERNITY.  All are welcome.


Meeting / Training Time

On the 1st Saturday of each month, Cenacle group meets in church after 6 pm Mass.


Contact 聯絡:

George Wong - 416-298-3056 
email :  

Ministry's logo of 晚餐廳.png