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Coat of Arms of Frank Cardinal Leo
Message for Lent 2025 from His Eminence Frank Cardinal Leo
Lenten Message 2025His Eminence Frank Cardinal LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto   My Dear Brothers and Sisters, May Jesus...
Coat of Arms of Frank Cardinal Leo
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis27 February 2025 Dear Brothers and Sisters, As you may...
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青少年研討會 Steubenville Youth Conference
多倫多教區青年辦事處將再次帶領我們的年青人參加在美國俄亥俄州方濟各大學舉辦二千多人的斯托本維爾青少年集會 Steubenville Youth Conference.    對象:八至十二年級   日期: 6/27/2025 (Fri) – 6/29...
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⽣命盒 Coins for Life
為支持维護生命聯盟經費,邀請各教友於聖堂大堂取用[生命盒],在四旬期內收集儲蓄硬幣,於復活節主日4月20及 26/27日交回聖堂。請大家踴躍響應此活動。 Parishioners are invited to participate in the Pro-Life Coins...
3月30日 「教區公益金 ShareLife」捐款主日 ShareLife Sunday Mar.30
{English} 您的愛引領我們共同攜手前行! Your yes manifests god's love! SHARELIFE教區公益金 捐款主日 3月30日 透過教區公益金(ShareLife),您的愛不僅只是同情心,它變成了實際行動。請支持2025年「教區公益金 ShareLife...
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清明節追思彌撒 Ching Ming Mass of Remembrance
由多倫多天主教墓園主辦, 本堂及其他四個華人堂區協辦的華人清明節追思感恩祭,定於 4 月 5 日 (星期六),下午 2 時於 康山聖十字架天主教墓園的聖家陵墓館舉行。    彌撒以國、粵進行。歡迎各位教友參加,為亡者及先人祈禱...
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四旬期及復活節 Lent and Easter
[what is Lent?](read more  from Archdiocese of Toronto)[四旬期是什麽](總教區提供的更多資料) 四旬期由聖灰瞻禮開始直至聖週四; 是一個祈禱和做補贖的時期; 死於罪惡, 活於天主。 Season of...
Archdiocesan COA
Clergy Changes for 2025
Below you will find the listing of clergy changes for the Archdiocese of Toronto. We give thanks for...

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Markham, ON
L3S 2J3

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Markham, ON
L3S 2J3

t:  905.294.1377

Rev. Zhijun (Stephen) Lu CSJB

Rev. Andrew Jianwei Deng CSJB
Associate Pastor

Rev. John Lizu Gan CSJB
Associate Pastor

Rev. Junwei (Michael) Hu CSJB
Associate Pastor

Deacon Max Anthony Choy
Deacon Assistant

Parish Staff
Sr Alberta Zhan, OP
(Pastoral Assistant)

Magdalen Cheung
(Lay Pastoral Assistant)

Mary Chow (Funeral Services)

Cyrilla Yip
(Registration & Baptism)

Janny Cheung
(Matrimony &Baby Baptism)

Cindy Kwok (General Enquires)

Edwin Lee (Parish Tool)

Sarah Lam (Parish Website)

Formed-Catholic Faith.JPG
FORMED is a great catholic resources for spiritual growth of parish groups & parishioners. is an exciting new gateway to the best teaching videos, audio, and e-books to deepen parishioners' relationships with Christ and His Church. Our Parish subscribed to FORMED for a Year till 24 Feb 2026. Click to the instruction button below to sign in.
Total Sacrifice! True Love! Constant Joy!
天主教耀漢小兄弟會: 創辨人雷鳴遠神父 – 在一九二八 年 十二月十六日首批兄弟舉行穿會衣禮。在典禮中,雷神父正式宣布修會定名為耀漢小兄弟會,奉洗者聖若翰為主保,以效法耶穌基督前驅的剛毅奮勇的拓荒精神。 The Little Brothers of the Congregation of Saint John the Baptist (CSJB) On Dec.16, 1928, the first batch of brothers held a ceremony to wear the congregation's religious habits. During the ceremony, the founder, Father Vincent Lebbe, officially announced the congregation would be named The Little Brothers of the Congregation of Saint John the Baptist and honor St. John the Baptist as the guardian to imitate the resolute and courageous pioneering spirit of the former forefront of Jesus Christ.
Visit CSJB Website 瀏覽耀漢小兄弟會網頁

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