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Strengthening the Marriage Bond through Service to Others
Lito and Arlene Martin have been married for 40 years. Members of the “Bukas Loob sa Diyos (BLD) Covenant Community” – a Catholic charismatic community – the couple reflects on how their marriage has been enriched by participation...
Advent – A Time of Liturgical Renewal
As we make our Christmas preparations, plan holiday activities and catch up with old friends, our hearts are filled with memories of the past and our minds draft fresh resolutions for the future. We anticipate. We are hopeful. We feel...
CNEWA Canada Welcomes New National Director
Dr. Adriana Bara is the new national director of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association in Canada (CNEWA). Until her appointment, Dr. Bara directed the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism in Montreal, a not-for-profit organization founded in...
讓我們信眾一同齊心祈禱,感謝為此工程付出心血的所有工作人員;祈盼聖母媽媽喜歡及保守我們堂區大家庭。 感謝天主!
【鹽與光製作 - 愛的任務 : 多倫多的聖母亭無玷始胎慶節及祝聖聖母聖像禮儀】
因中華殉道聖人堂舊有的戶外噴水池已破損,從2019年5月開始,神父連同財務組決定計劃找建築師設計及建造一座中式石亭,佇立在損毀的噴水池原址, 並計劃在亭內安放一樽聖母無原罪聖像。
隨即與中國一家承造商簽訂兩份合約,建造一座石亭及兩樽大理石聖像:(i) 聖母無玷原罪像 及 (ii) 聖若瑟連耶穌聖嬰像;分別建設在舊有的噴水池及聖母山位置。 ...
Preparing our Hearts for Advent
While Advent is the start of a new liturgical year, it has evolved to become many different things for different people. What is the real meaning of Advent? How can I allow this season to bring me closer to God...
The pandemic, mental health and Catholic priests
How has the pandemic affected the well-being of priests? Three priest researchers from the Southdown Institute in partnership with an economics researcher from the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt in Germany studied the implications of priests as frontline workers...
Ministries of Care Offers Hope Amidst Loss
During the month of November, we pray for all the souls of the faithful departed. The bereavement ministry is a ministry of care. Parish bereavement ministers reach out to parishioners who have had a loved one die in the past...
A Faithful Shepherd
In light of the annual Shepherds' Trust collection for retired priests taking place this weekend (Nov. 12/13), here's a look at how Fr. Vitaliano Papais continues to serve the community as a faithful shepherd.
Retirement is typically...
Mother Teresa: No Greater Love
To mark the 25th anniversary of Mother Teresa’s death, the Knights of Columbus produced the film Mother Teresa: No Greater Love – a tribute to this spiritual icon. Below, Director and Writer David Naglieri weighs in on the...
The Value of Patristic Studies in the Modern Age
The leadership at St. Augustine’s Seminary is designing a Licentiate program in Patristics – it will be the first program dedicated to Patristics in Canada when it rolls out in the 2023-2024 academic year. Fr. Robert John...
Celebrating 50 years of the Diaconate
September 30 marks the 50th anniversary of the Permanent Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Toronto. Deacon Steve Pitre, Coordinator of Diaconal Ministry, reflects on this special milestone.
1. What celebrations are planned to commemorate this milestone anniversary?
We will...
Exploring Faith Through the Great Outdoors
The Federation of North American Explorers (FNE) is a Catholic youth movement in the scouting tradition. FNE is formally recognized by the Holy See as a Catholic lay movement. Founder Paul Ritchie shares an overview below.
1. What is the...
Teaching as Vocation – A Look at the Catholic Teachers’ Guild
The Catholic Teachers’ Guild is a lay association in the archdiocese that aims to strengthen teachers’ vocations through formation events, study groups, lectures and mutual fraternal support. As the new school year kicks off, President Andrew Hume reflects...
Sposi Novelli Newlywed Blessing
With wedding season in full swing, some newlyweds are starting their marriage off in a special way – with a visit to the Vatican to receive a blessing from the Pope. The sposi novelli blessing for newlyweds takes place at...
New Digital Archive Highlights Parish Histories
The Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto has launched a new digital collection’s portal, ARCAT Online. Frances O’Regan, Director of Archives, provides an overview below.
1. What is ARCAT Online?
ARCAT Online is a...