
Pope Francis Elevates Archbishop Francis Leo to the College of Cardinals
Pope Francis has announced that Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, the Most Rev. Francis Leo will be elevated to...
Archbishop Leo
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堂區通訊 Newsletter
歡迎閱讀我們的每週堂區通訊,內容豐富,除了堂區訊息更新,並提供很多增強信仰文稿和生活資料。 Every week you get readings to grow in faith and parish information updates. 點擊這裏打開本週堂區通訊...
每週聖人 Saints of the week
讓我們學習聖人的祈禱來切合祈禱年,並效法聖人的芳表,從他/她們的生平事跡來默想反省,也祈求聖人的故事能啟發青少年及幫助他們培養基督徒的價值觀。 Let us learn the prayers of the saints in the spirit of the...
45th Annual Cardinal's Dinner logo
1,400 Gather November 5 for 45th Annual Cardinal’s Dinner
More than 1,400 guests from across the Greater Toronto Area will gather at the Metro Toronto Convention...
Message for All Souls Day from Archbishop Leo
Message of His Grace Most Reverend Francis LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto All Souls Day – 2 November 2024...
+Leo COA Square
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Pope Francis Releases Encyclical on the Sacred Heart of Jesus
In his latest encyclical, Dilexit Nos (Latin for “He Loves Us”), Pope Francis dedicates...

The Year of Prayer 祈禱年
Reflections on the Lord's Prayer with Dr. Patricia Murphy
2755 Denison Street
Markham, ON
L3S 2J3

2755 Denison Street
Markham, ON
L3S 2J3

t:  905.294.1377
e chinesemartyrs@archtoronto.org

Rev. Zhijun (Stephen) Lu CSJB

Rev. Andrew Jianwei Deng CSJB
Associate Pastor

Rev. John Lizu Gan CSJB
Associate Pastor

Rev. Junwei (Michael) Hu CSJB
Associate Pastor

Deacon Max Anthony Choy
Deacon Assistant

詹貴慧修​女 OP (牧職助理)

Magdalen Cheung (牧職助理)

Mary Chow (殯葬禮儀)

Cyrilla Yip (家庭登記/領洗)

Janny Cheung (婚配/兒童領洗)

Cindy Kwok (資訊服務)

Edwin Lee (電腦系統)

Sarah Lam (網站管理)

Total Sacrifice! True Love! Constant Joy!
天主教耀漢小兄弟會: 創辨人雷鳴遠神父 – 在一九二八 年 十二月十六日首批兄弟舉行穿會衣禮。在典禮中,雷神父正式宣布修會定名為耀漢小兄弟會,奉洗者聖若翰為主保,以效法耶穌基督前驅的剛毅奮勇的拓荒精神。 The Little Brothers of the Congregation of Saint John the Baptist (CSJB) On Dec.16, 1928, the first batch of brothers held a ceremony to wear the congregation's religious habits. During the ceremony, the founder, Father Vincent Lebbe, officially announced the congregation would be named The Little Brothers of the Congregation of Saint John the Baptist and honor St. John the Baptist as the guardian to imitate the resolute and courageous pioneering spirit of the former forefront of Jesus Christ.
Visit CSJB Website 瀏覽耀漢小兄弟會網頁
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耀漢小兄弟會 黎穎楓修士 和 張世協修士 將於 六月二十四日 在溫哥華聖方濟堂祝聖執事
誠摯邀請教友們為二位會士祈禱。讚美天主! Br. Francis Lai and Br. Thomas Truong of The Little Brothers of the Congregation of St. John the Baptist will be ordained deacons at St. Francis Xavier Church in Vancouver B.C. on June 24. We sincerely invite faithful to pray for the two religious brothers. Praise to the Lord!
溫哥華 2PM 直播 Livestream
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Prayers and congratulations to Deacon Max Anthony Choy, ordained to the permanent diaconate on May 25, 2024. Deacon Max is serving our parish, Chinese Martyrs Chinese Parish, Markham, now.
5/25/2024 彌撒直播 Livestream

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