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Every Family is Sacred
The following text is taken from Fr. Michael McGourty's homily, as delivered on the Feast of the Holy Family.
Every year, on the first Sunday following Christmas, the Church celebrates the beautiful feast of the Holy Family...
Playing the Waiting Game
I'm really bad at waiting. I can't just wait patiently, I have to be doing something. When I'm in line at a store or waiting to get into an event, I tend to fidget and...
The Gift of Family Life through the Lens of Service
Monika and Chris Matelski, with their five children in tow, will be sharing their testimony on using their gifts to serve God and neighbour at the Family at the Heart of Service event on Saturday, November 17. Below is...
Mary, Queen of October
October is traditionally held as a month dedicated to a special prayer, the Rosary. That is likely why Pope Francis has invited all the faithful to pray the Holy Rosary every day in October.
In his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis...
Be Disciples. Make Disciples. Helping You Grow in Your Ministry!
Our rich and vibrant parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto flourish because of thousands of dedicated clergy, staff, volunteers and lay ministers. If you are one of those people who help ensure Masses flow, children learn about the readings of...
Belief Brief - What's an Annulment?
Is an annulment another word for a Catholic "divorce"? Where does the Church stand on issues concerning break-ups of couples and families?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Church "permits the physical separation of spouses when...
Catholic Grandparenting in the 21st Century
Marisa and Aldo D'Andrea, of St. Benedict's Parish in Etobicoke, will be at the World Meeting of Families Conference in Dublin, Ireland this week. They share their insights below on the reality of living out the Catholic faith...
Young Families Growing in Faith
How can we support families so they may be witnesses to Christ, to each other and to the community? One of the best times to begin is when they are laying the foundations of family life. If parents are equipped...
Getting Started in Parish Ministry
Thriving parish ministries make all the difference in creating vibrant parish communities. In order to achieve a renewed culture of engagement, the Archdiocese of Toronto's Office of Formation for Discipleship will be hosting the "Be Disciples. Make Disciples." Parish...
Belief Brief - Are Angels Real?
Are angels real? Do you have a particular angel that you pray to?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we're told that Angels are spiritual creatures who glorify God without cesasing and who serve his saving plans...
Belief Brief - Does God Have a Plan for My Life?
Does God really have a plan for my life? Does he have my best interests at heart? This question tends to be on the mind of many people, more particularly, our students and young people as they enter graduation season...
Belief Brief - Is the Eucharist Really the Body/Blood?
Is the Eucharist really Jesus? Is it not a symbol?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Church and the world are told that, "at the heart of the Eucharistic celebration are the bread and wine that, by...
Celebrating Archdiocesan Employees’ Years of Service
On May 3, 2018 the Archdiocese of Toronto held its annual Employee Recognition Celebration honouring employees with 10, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 years of service with the Archdiocese. The event took place at the beautiful Chapel of St...
Praying for Little Miracles
Little Miracles Prayer Ministry is a special activity supporting expecting mothers in the parish community at St. Benedict’s parish. The parish uses technology to assist in encouraging prayers for those in imminent need. We asked organizer Rema Celio...
Continuing the Journey
"You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people in order that you might proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9...
Belief Brief - Are Only a Few Chosen to Be Holy?
Is holiness for me?
According to Pope Francis' recent Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exultate, to be holy does not require being a bishop, priest or religious in the Church. The Holy Father tells us that "we are called to be...
Renewing the World with Divine Mercy
"God of everlasting mercy…" the Collect for the Second Sunday of Easter, also called Divine Mercy Sunday, begins "…who in the very recurrence of the paschal feast kindle the faith of the people you have made your own...
Belief Brief - Do Miracles Really Happen?
What was Jesus most known for in his earthly life? Miracles.
Knowing that Easter is the season in which Jesus performed several key miracles, including rising from the dead, this particular brief highlights what we know about miracles and what...