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1006 St Francis of Assisi.jpeg



Saint of the week,


今週聖人 聖方濟各.亞西西 方济各.亚西西 Saint Francis of Assisi
2024-09-29 聖瑪爾定.包瑞斯 圣玛尔定.包瑞斯 St. Martin de Porres
2024-09-22 聖馬希連.高比 圣马希连.高比 Saint Maximilian Kolbe
2024-09-15 聖貞德 圣贞德 St. Joan of Arc
2024-09-08 聖瑪利亞.葛萊蒂 圣玛利亚.葛莱蒂 Saint Maria Goretti
2024-09-01 聖丁芙娜及聖若望「由天主者」 圣丁芙娜及圣若望「由天主者」 St. Dymphna and St. John of God
2024-08-25 聖珍安娜·莫拉 圣珍安娜·莫拉 Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
2024-08-18 聖瑪加利大·嘉士魯 圣玛加利大·嘉士鲁 Saint Margaret of Castello
2024-08-11 聖莫尼加 圣莫尼加 St. Monica
2024-08-04 聖奧斯定 圣奥斯定 Saint Augustine
2024-07-28 聖加彌祿∙彌理 圣加弥禄·弥理 St. Camillus de Lellis
2024-07-21 聖冀天祥 圣冀天祥 Saint Tian Xiang Ji
2024-07-14 聖吳國盛 圣吴国盛 Saint Guo Sheng Wu
2024-07-07 聖張大鵬 圣张大鹏 Saint Da Peng Zhang
2024-06-30 聖張懷祿、聖郗柱子 圣张怀禄、圣郗柱子 Saint Huai Lu Zhang, Saint Zhu Ze Chi
2024-06-23 聖王王璐琪、王天慶、郎楊氏、郎福 圣王王璐琪、王天庆、郎杨氏、郎福 Saints Lucia Wang Wang, Tian Qing Wang, Yang Lang, Fu Lang
2024-06-16 聖王安纳 圣王安納 Saint Anna Wang
2024-06-09 聖趙榮 圣赵荣 St. Augustine Rong Zhao
2024-06-02 聖董文學 圣董文学 St. John Gabriel Perboyre
2024-05-26 聖若望保祿二世 圣若望保禄二世 St. John Paul II
2024-05-19 聖碧岳 圣碧岳 St. Pio
2024-05-12 聖伯爾納德 圣伯尔纳德 St. Bernadette
2024-05-05 聖類斯‧葛利寧‧蒙福 圣类斯‧葛利宁‧蒙福 St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
2024-04-28 聖依納爵.羅耀拉 圣依纳爵.罗耀拉 St. Ignatius of Loyola
2024-04-21 聖德肋撒.里修(小德蘭) 圣德肋撒.里修(小德兰) St. Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower)
2024-04-14 聖德肋撒.亞維拉(大德蘭) 圣德肋撒.亚维拉(大德兰) St. Teresa of Avila (Teresa the Great)
2024-04-07  聖傅天娜 圣傅天娜 St. Faustina
2024-03-31 聖瑪加利大∙亞拉高 圣玛加利大.亚拉高 St. Margaret Alacoque
2024-03-24 聖卡泰里∙泰卡維達 圣卡泰里.泰卡维达 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
2024-03-17 聖安德烈∙貝塞 圣安德烈∙贝塞 Saint André Bassette
聖則濟利亞 圣则济利亚 Saint Cecilia
2024-03-03 可敬的聖伯達 可敬的圣伯达 St. Bede the Venerable
2024-02-25 聖泰西修 圣泰西修 St. Tarcisius
2024-02-18 聖多明我沙維豪 圣多明我沙维豪 St. Dominic Savio
2024-02-11 聖道明 圣道明 St. Dominic
2024-02-04 聖若翰•維雅納 圣若翰•维雅纳 St. John Vianney
2024-01-28 聖斯德望 圣斯德望 St. Stephen
2024-01-21 聖瑪利亞瑪達肋納 圣玛利亚玛达肋纳 St. Mary Magdalene
2024-01-14 聖伯多祿 圣伯多禄 St. Peter
2024-01-07 聖若瑟 圣若瑟 St. Joseph
2024-01-01 聖母瑪利亞 圣母玛利亚 The Blessed Virgin Mary


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今週聖人: 聖方濟各.亞西西













今周圣人: 方济各.亚西西













Saint of the week: Saint Francis of Assisi


Saint Francis was born in Assisi in 1181. His father was a silk merchant. Francis liked to feast with friends when he was young. Later, he claimed to live in sin during this period. He hoped to be a noble knight, so he joined the army, but was almost defeated right away and was captured. After being imprisoned with some nobles for one year, he was freed and returned home but he got seriously ill. On recovery, he continued to live his life as in the past. In preparation to go to war again, he acquired a golden armour with a large sum. On the way, he saw a poorly clad defeated knight, and he gave his armour to him. That night, he dreamt of himself in a gorgeous fortress, and weapons with a cross on each hung on the walls. A voice was heard saying: "The weapons are for you and your soldiers”. He misunderstood that he should continue in the army, but he suddenly fell ill and heard in his bed: "Go back quickly, it is better to serve the Lord than the ordinary people." Francis somehow understood and immediately returned home. He began to lose interest in feasting and be a knight, but began to pray alone. One day on the road, he met a beggar who was a leper. Francis kissed the hand of the leper while taking out money. From then on, Francis personally waited on patients in the hospital and those with leprosy on the street, helped the poor generously, and even gave out his own clothes, which made his father very angry.
One day, Francis prayed in the tattered church at San Damiano and heard a voice from an icon of the crucified Christ, “Go Francis, and repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin”. He thought he was ordered to repair that church (in fact, it referred to the universal church of God), so he went home to sell his father's fabrics and sent money to the priest. Francis' father was furious after finding this out, beat him up and dragged him in front of the bishop to reason this out, and the bishop stated that he should return the money. Francis complied and returned everything, including the clothes he was wearing to his father, and never went home again. In the following few years, Francis begged in order to repair churches. One day, he read this from the Bible: "As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand …Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. Do not take gold …..or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick.’” (Mt 10: 7-19) So he joyfully embraced poverty of spirit, and only wore rough clothing in barefoot to spread the gospel with love. The Lord gave him the grace of working miracles, but his loving heart made him more popular. For example, a patient had an ulcerated tumor on his face and after Francis kissed his face, the man was immediately cured. Francis not only loved people, he also loved nature; even animals obeyed him and he regarded them as brothers and sisters. He advised wild wolves to live peacefully with humans, and even preached to the birds. Many people followed Francis. After writing out the rules of a proposed new religious order that Francis hoped to create, he requested to meet with the Pope for his approval. The Pope dreamt that Francis and Dominic (refer to St. Dominic) had supported the crumbling Lateran Basilica, so he endorsed his request. The Franciscan Order flourished rapidly. In 1224, Francis received the stigmata. St. Francis died in 1226 at the age of 45. The church named him as the patron saint of ecology. He is also the patron saint of animals.


Saint Francis did not solve the problem of poverty, but he made poverty sacred. He promoted poverty in spirit, simplicity in everything and non-materialism, so humans can acquire real freedom. For him, to possess wealth but ignore other’s lack of food and clothing is the lack of love. Saint Francis challenged us to let go of the pursuit of material things, and instead care about the needs of the least of our brothers around us, and share our love to build a kingdom of heaven.


Saint Francis felt that both nature and humans are created by God. Therefore he called the sun, the moon, and even the birds and wolves his brothers and sisters. The entire universe is a big family. Before he died, he had very poor health and had photophobia which caused him severe pain in his eyes, but at that time he wrote the famous "Canticle of the Sun”. The content was that all things in the world praised God for his goodness. Let us also learn from Saint Francis to open our minds, contemplate the beauty of nature, and sincerely praise the beauty, goodness and wisdom of the creator.

May we learn from St. Francis’ poverty in spirit, share with love and build the Kingdom of God.  May we also contemplate the beauty of nature and sincerely praise the Lord.

Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us.


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