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0728 St. Camillus de Lellis.jpeg



Saint of the week,


今週聖人 聖加彌祿∙彌理 圣加弥禄·弥理 St. Camillus de Lellis
2024-07-21 聖冀天祥 圣冀天祥 Saint Tian Xiang Ji
2024-07-14 聖吳國盛 圣吴国盛 Saint Guo Sheng Wu
2024-07-07 聖張大鵬 圣张大鹏 Saint Da Peng Zhang
2024-06-30 聖張懷祿、聖郗柱子 圣张怀禄、圣郗柱子 Saint Huai Lu Zhang, Saint Zhu Ze Chi
2024-06-23 聖王王璐琪、王天慶、郎楊氏、郎福 圣王王璐琪、王天庆、郎杨氏、郎福 Saints Lucia Wang Wang, Tian Qing Wang, Yang Lang, Fu Lang
2024-06-16 聖王安纳 圣王安納 Saint Anna Wang
2024-06-09 聖趙榮 圣赵荣 St. Augustine Rong Zhao
2024-06-02 聖董文學 圣董文学 St. John Gabriel Perboyre
2024-05-26 聖若望保祿二世 圣若望保禄二世 St. John Paul II
2024-05-19 聖碧岳 圣碧岳 St. Pio
2024-05-12 聖伯爾納德 圣伯尔纳德 St. Bernadette
2024-05-05 聖類斯‧葛利寧‧蒙福 圣类斯‧葛利宁‧蒙福 St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
2024-04-28 聖依納爵.羅耀拉 圣依纳爵.罗耀拉 St. Ignatius of Loyola
2024-04-21 聖德肋撒.里修(小德蘭) 圣德肋撒.里修(小德兰) St. Thérèse of Lisieux (the Little Flower)
2024-04-14 聖德肋撒.亞維拉(大德蘭) 圣德肋撒.亚维拉(大德兰) St. Teresa of Avila (Teresa the Great)
2024-04-07  聖傅天娜 圣傅天娜 St. Faustina
2024-03-31 聖瑪加利大∙亞拉高 圣玛加利大.亚拉高 St. Margaret Alacoque
2024-03-24 聖卡泰里∙泰卡維達 圣卡泰里.泰卡维达 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
2024-03-17 聖安德烈∙貝塞 圣安德烈∙贝塞 Saint André Bassette
聖則濟利亞 圣则济利亚 Saint Cecilia
2024-03-03 可敬的聖伯達 可敬的圣伯达 St. Bede the Venerable
2024-02-25 聖泰西修 圣泰西修 St. Tarcisius
2024-02-18 聖多明我沙維豪 圣多明我沙维豪 St. Dominic Savio
2024-02-11 聖道明 圣道明 St. Dominic
2024-02-04 聖若翰•維雅納 圣若翰•维雅纳 St. John Vianney
2024-01-28 聖斯德望 圣斯德望 St. Stephen
2024-01-21 聖瑪利亞瑪達肋納 圣玛利亚玛达肋纳 St. Mary Magdalene
2024-01-14 聖伯多祿 圣伯多禄 St. Peter
2024-01-07 聖若瑟 圣若瑟 St. Joseph
2024-01-01 聖母瑪利亞 圣母玛利亚 The Blessed Virgin Mary


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今週聖人: 聖加彌祿∙彌理




聖加彌祿的做法與現今一些幫助戒掉成癮的模式相似,如默主哥耶塞納科洛社區便是不靠藥物,透過信仰、祈禱、和愛德工作,幫助年青人戒掉惡習而重新建立以基督為中心的團體。除了去賭場之外,因現在電子賭博方便容易,一些人亦會沈迷,病態賭徒和其他成癮的人一樣,需要身、心、靈支持才可戒掉, 讓我們以愛心關懷這些兄弟姊妹, 並為他們祈禱。



願我們學習聖加彌祿彌理依賴上主, 去除惡習, 在需要關愛的人身上看見基督。我們特別為病態賭徒、病人及醫務人員祈禱。





今周圣人: 圣加弥禄·弥理












Saint of the week: St. Camillus de Lellis


St. Camillus de Lellis was born in Italy in 1550. His mother died early, and his father was a soldier. He was being neglected as he grew up and started going to battles with his father at the age of 13. He was six feet six inches tall, and at the age of 17, he worked as a mercenary until 1574 when his regiment was disbanded. He became a gambler. Seeing the kindness of a Franciscan friar, he applied to join the Franciscan Monastery but was not accepted. He went to a hospital in Rome to work as well as treat his leg wound, but was dismissed after nine months because he was always quarrelsome. He rejoined the army and his gambling addiction worsened such that he even lost his own weapon. After the war, Camillus was penniless and made a living by building a house for the Capuchin Friars, but his gambling addiction persisted until the guardian of the convent gave him an exhortation. Camillus was shaken and repented; he knelt and begged the Lord for forgiveness. He was allowed to enter the Capuchin Monastery, but was soon dismissed due to his incurable leg disease.
When Camillus was 25, he returned to the hospital in Rome for treatment. He personally experienced the incompetence of nurses at the time and their lack in enthusiasm for work. When his leg treatment was temporarily effective, he devoted himself to nursing work, and due to his fervour and prudence, he was promoted to the director of the hospital. After his conversion, Camillus led a pious life, and he intended to form a lay order dedicated to the care of the sick, but met with many resistances. After receiving the advice from friends and his spiritual director St. Philip Neri, he began to learn Latin. He was ordained a priest at age 34, and he established the order of “Servants of the Sick”. In addition to the traditional sacred vows, this order added the sacred vow to serve the sick. The order expanded and is now in different countries, establishing hospitals, treating patients with love, and especially providing spiritual assistance for patients and palliative care. Camillus was unwell himself, and his leg wound caused him to suffer for more than forty years. At his later years, he had sores all over his leg, causing him much pain. However he permitted no one to wait on him, and only sent members to serve other patients. Camillus was totally disabled shortly before his death, but he often got up late at night to check on the patients’ needs one by one at their beds. He died at the age of 64, and the church designated him as the patron saint of the sick, nurses and medical organizations.


Since he lost the weapons that protected his life as a mercenary to gambling, Camillus should be a pathological gambler. All addicts have a story behind them. Camillus grew up in a neglected environment; no one would be compassionate to this tall strong man. With no academic achievement and no skills, he had to work as a mercenary who fought to earn a living in his youth, facing injury, wounds, and even death on a daily basis. On top of that he had incurable illness. It is understandable that he gambled to numb his heart and soul. Although he lost all his fortune, there was in fact no reason or motivation for him to quit gambling. The guardian of the convent might have been the first person who wanted him to repent and was willing to spend time to teach him. When Camillus felt cared for he was willing to reform himself. He first prayed to the Lord, then stayed away from the temptations in his environment, and associated with people who could help him spiritually, such as St. Philip Neri. He began to put himself in other people’s shoes to care about the sick around him. After that, he formed a community, and engaged himself enthusiastically in work of charity.
St. Camillus’ approach is similar to some models today that help addicts quit their addictions. For example, the Cenacolo Community in Medjugorje does not rely on drugs, but work through faith, prayer, and works of love to help young people quit bad habits and re-establish a community with Jesus Christ as the centre of their lives. Besides going to the casinos, some people are obsessed in gambling because electronic gambling is so convenient and easy these days. Like other addicts, they need physical, mental and spiritual support to quit. Let us care for these brothers and sisters with love and pray for them.


St. Camillus’ companion wrote a biography for him, describing that when he looked at patients, he was like looking at Christ, and even asked them for forgiveness. The work of St. Camillus has become his prayer. He saw Christ in the sick, and each of his action and word was communicating with Christ. We should also learn from him to care for the sick around us. Currently we face the shortness and burnt out of medical professions; let us pray for them.

May we learn from St. Camillus de Lellis to rely on the Lord to get rid of bad habits, and see Christ in those who need our care. We especially pray for pathological gamblers, the sick and medical staff.

St. Camillus de Lellis, pray for us.


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